The Best Lactation Consultants in Edmonton: A Guide

Breastfeeding is one of the most challenging aspects of becoming a mother. Many new moms struggle with physical and emotional hurdles while trying to nurse their babies. I personally faced difficulties breastfeeding both of my children and, in hindsight, wish I had sought professional help earlier. But you don’t have to go through it alone.

A tender moment of a mother and father embracing their newborn baby in a lush garden setting, the mother cradling the infant closely while the father leans in gently. The image captures the intimacy of early parenthood, highlighting the importance of nurturing moments.

For mothers in Edmonton, finding the right support is key to making breastfeeding easier. That’s why I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the best lactation consultants in Edmonton, based on recommendations from my readers. These professionals are highly rated for their expertise and compassionate care.

Why Work with a Lactation Consultant?

If you’re struggling with breastfeeding, a lactation consultant can provide the support and guidance you need. They help with:

  • Latching issues
  • Milk supply concerns
  • Painful nursing
  • Pumping advice
  • Breastfeeding techniques for premature babies

Top Lactation Consultants in Edmonton

After asking my community of mothers for their recommendations, here are the most recommended lactation consultants in Edmonton:

Brittney Pederson, IBCLC

Angela Berg, MD

Kaitlin Robertson, MD, CCFP

Katie, RN, Certified Lactation Educator, Certified Postpartum Doula and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist

Melissa at Little Nurse Co.

Sheena, RN, IBCLC, at Milk Bud

Erica Kalke RN, MN, IBCLC


Samara McLachlen, RN, BScN, IBCLC

You can check out my other post-partum resources here.

A tender moment of a mother nursing newborn baby in a lush garden setting, the mother cradling the infant closely. The image captures the intimacy of early parenthood, highlighting the importance of nurturing moments.